Contoh Descriptive Text Terbaik 2013

Contoh Descriptive Text Terbaik 2013 atau yang biasa kita sebut dengan teks deskriptif maka disini Yoedha Com akan sedikit memberikan artikel tentang hal tersebut, yaitu tentang Contoh Descriptive Text yang sedang anda cari. Namun disini hanya ada sedikit contoh saja seperti Report Text untuk soal dan yang lain belum sempat saya berikan dan terbitkan. Oleh sebab itu silahkan disimak dan di baca hingga selesai agar anda dapat dengan mudah mengerti contoh tersebut.

Descriptive Text biasanya dalam bentuk bahasa inggris atau bahasa indonesia namun disini yang saya berikan adalah yang dari bahasa inggris saja. Karena sesuai nama yang tertera, yaitu "Descriptive Text". Maka tidak perlu berlama-lama berikut adalah untuk Descriptive Text yang semoga bisa bermanfaat untuk kita semua yang telah bersedia datang di blog yoedha com.

Descriptive Text

As we know ,most cat look so cute ,so does my cat.My cat's name is Cuty. I named Cuty because she looks so cute and make me always want to hug her.Do you want to know about my cat ? My Cuty has white and orange fur .It is so soft .And make me always want to stroke it. She has blue eyes.Her tail is long.And she also has sharp tooth and of course scary me.The whishkers in her mouth make her si funy.

But,although she looks very cute and funny,when she was angry or want catch her prey like mouse, she is very scary me. Her paws is look so sharp and long.Her sound also change like tiger sound. I never approach her when she is angry.

But,when my Cuty back as ussual ,I approach her again ,and play her ear,her whishkers,her tail and she look very enjoy it.I love my vat so much.

Descriptive Text

Social skills are significantly impaired in people suffering from alcoholism due to the neurotoxic effects of alcohol on the brain, especially the prefrontal cortex area of the brain. The social skills that are impaired by alcohol abuse include impairments in perceiving facial emotions, prosody perception problems and theory of mind deficits; the ability to understand humour is also impaired in alcohol abusers. Impairments in social skills also occur in individuals who suffer from fetal alcohol spectrum disorders; these deficits persist throughout affected people's lives and may worsen over time due to the effects of ageing on the brain.

Approximately half of ADHD children will experience peer rejection compared to 10-15 percent of non-ADHD children. Adolescents with ADHD are less likely to develop close friendships. Difficulties in sustaining romantic relationships may also occur in college aged individuals with ADHD. Training in social skills, behavioural modification and medication may have some limited beneficial effects; the most important factor in reducing emergence of later psychopathology is the ADHD individual forming friendships with people who are not involved in devient/delinquent activities. Poor peer relationships can contribute to major depression, criminality, school failure, and substance use disorders. Adolescents with ADHD are more likely to find it difficult in making and keeping friends due to their attentional deficits causing impairments in processing verbal and nonverbal language which is important for social skills and adolescent interaction; this may result in such adolescents being regarded by their peers as immature or as losers.
Mungkin hanya ada satu untuk Descriptive Text yang bisa saya berikan untuk anda semua, apabila masih kurang nanti akan saya updatekan kembali di lain waktu nanti. Namun untuk saat ini hanya bisa satu terlebih dahulu. Silahkan membaca baca artikel yang lain seperti Narrative Text yang berkaitan dengan hal ini.

Segala sesuatu dari aspek yang saya sampaikan pada Descriptive Text merupakan sebuah analisa yang mungkin saya ada benarnya, namn juga ada salahnya. Jadi mohon di koreksi terlebih dahulu ya agar menjadikan lebih maksimal lagi.
Contoh Descriptive Text Terbaik 2013 Contoh Descriptive Text Terbaik 2013 Reviewed by Unknown on 3/11/2013 07:11:00 PM Rating: 5

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